Bringing light into darkness
“In 2013 we traveled to the Northern Highlands of NW Vietnam near the Chinese and Laotian borders. We actually took an overnight sleeper train from Hanoi to Sa Pa, a beautiful mountain village town. Here we met with 30 rural Hmong pastors to encourage, train and equip them with solar audio Bibles. We couldn’t stay long as the Communist authorities might notice that a Christian meeting was going on. We prayed over each one to go into the mountain villages to boldly preach the Gospel. These pastor/evangelists are part of a mighty move of God in the Northern Highlands where over 300,000 villagers have come to Christ in recent years in that region. They are now using our solar audio Bibles to evangelize village people who cannot read. ”
“Thank God for His mercy and grace working through the SD Memory Card Ministry. I shared the Gospel with an unbelieving man and gave him a card for his phone so he could see and hear the Jesus Film. He cried. He told me Jesus is the only way to eternal life. He then came to our church.”
““In 2022 we held a soul-winning, healing crusade in our city. Many came to Christ as well as delivered from demons. One man had an injured cornea and could not see-now he sees! A lady was unable to walk-now she walks and no longer uses a walking stick. An old man was deaf-now he hears clearly. A paralyzed man got off his mat-he now walks.””
“Over 20 pastors crossed the border into NE India for an Igniter Training Conference in November of 2013. With great delight, they received training in evangelism and received solar audio Bibles and SD Memory Cards (Gospel Chips) for cell phones. Believers in this tiny, Buddhist, Himalayan country have been greatly persecuted through the years. In April of 2015, we will visit church leaders and preach in house churches.”
“In May of 2014, we had the opportunity to preach a crusade at a downtown auditorium. The crusade was going to be aired “live” on Christian radio (which was a surprise to us that there were even Christian radio stations in Indonesia). We asked the Igniter who was organizing the crusade, “How many people will be listening by radio (thinking it would be a small audience)? He said 1 million. We said that means most of the people who will be listening are unbelievers. Very well then, we have a much bigger audience to preach to.” That night many received Christ and were healed. Listeners called in and wanted another crusade so they could hear this “Good News.” ”
““Pastor, how many Christians are in this village church? 100% he stated. How many are born-again? Oh, about 40%. Good I said. We will start with a crusade and end with a revival meeting.” The remaining 60% received Christ and then worshipped in revival!”
“Over 20 clean water wells have been built by ITWM in the mountains of Western Myanmar. Pastor Pau Khai states, “Thank you for the wells. In some villages, women carry water one mile for water to drink and to wash clothes. Through these wells the Gospel is spreading as the villagers realize it is the heart of the Christian people who are giving to them. The villagers are now believing in Jesus. They are so happy to have clean water nearby to drink and to wash clothes.”
“In 2010, we visited Luzon, the northern island of the Philippines. After the outreach meeting, we had a time of prayer for the sick. The parents of a 12-year old girl brought her forward to be healed of deafness and dumbness. We commanded in “Jesus’ name” that her ears be open and that her vocal chords loosen. They were! The first word that she spoke was “Jesus.” There was much rejoicing in the village that day!”